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iOS - Custom Request Params

Setup Audio Session

To fulfill the requirement of 3rd party tracking, Vpon SDK will set the Audio Session Category as AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayBack / OptionsWithMixWithOthers. You can reset the Audio Session Category after SDK initialization.

Please follow the guideline below if you don’t want Vpon SDK to reset the Audio Session.


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

    // Vpon SDK initialization
    VponAdConfiguration *config = VponAdConfiguration.shared;
    config.logLevel = VponLogLevelDefault;
    // set YES, SDK won't set and activate the audio session
    config.audioManager.isAudioApplicationManaged = YES;
    [config initializeSdk];

    return YES;


 func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions:      
    [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
	// Vpon SDK initialization
	let config = VponAdConfiguration.shared
	config.logLevel = .default
	// set true, SDK won't set and activate the audio session
	config.audioManager.isAudioApplicationManaged = true

    return true

(Optional) SDK Audio Session Usage

We recommend that you should call the functions below to let SDK know that you are taking the control of the Audio Session.

// Call this function to let SDK know that you will set and activate a new Audio Session Category

// Call this function to let SDK know that your media is finish, SDK will set and activate the Audio Session Category to AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayBack / OptionsWithMixWithOthers

Note: noticeApplicationAudioWillStart and noticeApplicationAudioDidEnded are not compatible with the integration with Mediation.

Custom Ad Request Parameters

Add the optional parameters below when setting up VpadnAdRequest to make Vpon deliver more ads precisely.


VponAdRequest *request = [[VponAdRequest alloc] init];

// Set user's gender if available
[request setUserInfoGender:VponUserGenderMale];
// Set user's birthday if available
[request setUserInfoBirthdayWithYear:2000 month:8 day:17];

[request addKeyword:@"keywordA"];
[request addKeyword:@"keyword1:value1"];

VponAdRequestConfiguration *config = VponAdRequestConfiguration.shared;

// Set your test device's IDFA here if you're trying to get Vpon test ad
[config setTestDeviceIdentifiers:@[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager].advertisingIdentifier.UUIDString]];
// To set up if the ads will be displayed only to the specific ages of audience
[config setTagForUnderAgeOfConsent:VponTagForUnderAgeOfConsentNotForUnderAgeOfConsent];
// To set up if the ads will be displayed to childern specific
[config setTagForChildDirectedTreatment:VponTagForChildDirectedTreatmentNotForChildDirectedTreatment];
// To set up the maximum content rating filter
[config setMaxAdContentRating:VponMaxAdContentRatingGeneral];


let request = VponAdRequest()

// Set user's gender if available
// Set user's birthday if available
request.setUserInfoBirthday(year: 2000, month: 08, day: 17)

// Set your test device's IDFA here if you're trying to get Vpon test ad
VponAdRequestConfiguration.shared.testDeviceIdentifiers = ([ASIdentifierManager.shared().advertisingIdentifier.uuidString])
// To set up if the ads will be displayed to childern specific
VponAdRequestConfiguration.shared.tagForChildDirectedTreatment = .notForChildDirectedTreatment // 是否專為兒童投放
// To set up if the ads will be displayed only to the specific ages of audience
VponAdRequestConfiguration.shared.tagForUnderAgeOfConsent = .notForUnderAgeOfConsent // 是否專為特定年齡投放
// To set up the maximum content rating filter
VponAdRequestConfiguration.shared.maxAdContentRating = .general

How To Send Content Data To Vpon

You can use setContentUrl and setContentData to send content information to Vpon via SDK.

Note: setContentUrl and setContentData only available in Vpon SDK v5.1.1 and above.


// Set content page url
[request setContentUrl:@""];
// Set content page data with an array of key-value
[request setContentData:@{@"key1": @(1), @"key2": @(YES), @"key3": @"name", @"key4": @(123.31)}];


// Set content page url
// Set content page data with an array of key-value
request.setContentData(["key1": 1, "key2": true, "key3": "name", "key4": 123.31])