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iOS - 自定义广告请求参数


设定 Audio Session

为配合第三方追踪要求,Vpon SDK 会在初始化时,将 App 的Audio Session Category 设为AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayBack / OptionsWithMixWithOthers (当有音乐要播放时,App 将以混音形式播放音乐,且不会受实体静音键的影响)。您可以在SDK初始化后,重新指定及启用其他 Audio Session Category。

如果您不希望 Vpon SDK 更动 Audio Session,请在初始化时,加入以下程式片段。


- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {

    // Vpon SDK initialization
    VponAdConfiguration *config = VponAdConfiguration.shared;
    config.logLevel = VponLogLevelDefault;
    // set YES, SDK won't set and activate the audio session
    config.audioManager.isAudioApplicationManaged = YES;
    [config initializeSdk];

    return YES;


 func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions:      
    [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
	// Vpon SDK initialization
	let config = VponAdConfiguration.shared
	config.logLevel = .default
	// set true, SDK won't set and activate the audio session
	config.audioManager.isAudioApplicationManaged = true

    return true

(Optional) 通知 SDK Audio Session 使用状况

我们建议您在重新指定 Audio Session Category 及结束影音播放时,呼叫以下 Function,让 SDK 知道您是否正在控制 Audio Session 。

// Call this function to let SDK know that you will set and activate a new Audio Session Category

// Call this function to let SDK know that your media is finish, SDK will set and activate the Audio Session Category to AVAudioSessionCategoryPlayBack / OptionsWithMixWithOthers

Note: noticeApplicationAudioWillStart 及 noticeApplicationAudioDidEnded 不适用于透过 Mediation 串接 Vpon SDK 者。


您可以在建立广告请求时,选择项地加入以下自定义的参数,让 Vpon 可以用更精准的方式投放广告


VponAdRequest *request = [[VponAdRequest alloc] init];

// Set user's gender if available
[request setUserInfoGender:VponUserGenderMale];
// Set user's birthday if available
[request setUserInfoBirthdayWithYear:2000 month:8 day:17];

[request addKeyword:@"keywordA"];
[request addKeyword:@"keyword1:value1"];

VponAdRequestConfiguration *config = VponAdRequestConfiguration.shared;

// Set your test device's IDFA here if you're trying to get Vpon test ad
[config setTestDeviceIdentifiers:@[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager].advertisingIdentifier.UUIDString]];
// To set up if the ads will be displayed only to the specific ages of audience
[config setTagForUnderAgeOfConsent:VponTagForUnderAgeOfConsentNotForUnderAgeOfConsent];
// To set up if the ads will be displayed to childern specific
[config setTagForChildDirectedTreatment:VponTagForChildDirectedTreatmentNotForChildDirectedTreatment];
// To set up the maximum content rating filter
[config setMaxAdContentRating:VponMaxAdContentRatingGeneral];


let request = VponAdRequest()

// Set user's gender if available
// Set user's birthday if available
request.setUserInfoBirthday(year: 2000, month: 08, day: 17)

// Set your test device's IDFA here if you're trying to get Vpon test ad
VponAdRequestConfiguration.shared.testDeviceIdentifiers = ([ASIdentifierManager.shared().advertisingIdentifier.uuidString])
// To set up if the ads will be displayed to childern specific
VponAdRequestConfiguration.shared.tagForChildDirectedTreatment = .notForChildDirectedTreatment // 是否專為兒童投放
// To set up if the ads will be displayed only to the specific ages of audience
VponAdRequestConfiguration.shared.tagForUnderAgeOfConsent = .notForUnderAgeOfConsent // 是否專為特定年齡投放
// To set up the maximum content rating filter
VponAdRequestConfiguration.shared.maxAdContentRating = .general


您可以透过 setContentUrlsetContentData 将页面内容资讯透过 SDK 发给 Vpon

Note: 此功能适用于 Vpon SDK v5.1.1 及以上版本


// Set content page url
[request setContentUrl:@""];
// Set content page data with an array of key-value
[request setContentData:@{@"key1": @(1), @"key2": @(YES), @"key3": @"name", @"key4": @(123.31)}];


// Set content page url
// Set content page data with an array of key-value
request.setContentData(["key1": 1, "key2": true, "key3": "name", "key4": 123.31]) 

透过 Mediation 回传内容资讯

如果您是使用 Mediation 的方式来串接 Vpon SDK,您可以透过以下方式,将页面内容资讯发给 Vpon:

  • [AdMob / Google Ad Manager][5]
  • [MoPub][6]

AdMob / Google Ad Manager

若您是使用 AdMob / Google Ad Manager 来进行 Mediation,请确认您所使用的 SDK 及 Adapter 版本:

  • Vpon SDK v5.6.0 及以上版本
  • Vpon AdMob Adapter v2.1.0 及以上版本



GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
GADExtras *extra = [[GADExtras alloc] init];
 extra.additionalParameters = @{
    @"contentURL": @"",
    @"contentData": @{@"key1": @"Admob", @"key2": @(1.2), @"key3": @(YES)}
[request registerAdNetworkExtras:extra];
// Set content page url and data with an array of key-value


let extra = GADExtras()
extra.additionalParameters = ["contentURL":"", "contentData": ["key1": "Admob", "key2": 1.2, "key3": true]]
// Set content page url and data with an array of key-value

若您串接的是原生广告,请留意在您设定自订事件时所设置的 Label,并参考以下范例传入对应资料:


GADRequest *request = [GADRequest request];
GADCustomEventExtras *extra = [[GADCustomEventExtras alloc] init];
[extra setExtras:@{
        @"contentURL": @"",
        @"contentData": @{@"key1": @(1), @"key2": @(YES), @"key3": @"name", @"key4": @(123.31)}
        } forLabel:@"vpon"];
[request registerAdNetworkExtras:extra];
// Set content page url and data with an array of key-value
// forLabel string must be the same as the one you set for AdMob / GAM custom event


let extra = GADCustomEventExtras()
extra.setExtras(["contentURL":"", "contentData": ["key1": "Admob", "key2": 1.2, "key3": true]], forLabel: "Vpon")
// Set content page url and data with an array of key-value
// forLabel string must be the same as the one you set for AdMob / GAM custom event