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How To Update To Vpon SDK v5.0.2


Here are the major changes in SDK v5.0.2:

  • Replace Cordova framework with self-maintenance Javascript for communicating
  • Replace UIWebView with WKWebView
  • Revise the interface of Banner / Interstitial / Native Ad
  • Revise the framework to make it more compatible with 3rd-party tracking solution
  • Support mraid3 when display Banner and Interstitial Ad

System Requirement

  • Support iOS 9.0 and above version, super recommend to deploy on iOS 10.0 and above version
  • Recommend to develop on Xcode 11 and above version

Difference Between SDK v4 and v5

Ad Instance Declaration

_vpadnBanner = [[VpadnBanner alloc] initWithAdSize:adSize origin:CGPointZero];
_vpadnBanner.strBannerId = @"License Key";
_vpadnBanner.platform = @"TW";
[_vpadnBanner setRootViewController:self];
[_vpadnBanner startGetAd:@[]];
// Declare Banner Ad instance in SDK v4.9.4 and below

_vpadnBanner = [[VpadnBanner alloc] initWithLicenseKey:@"License Key" adSize:adSize];
_vpadnBanner.delegate = self;
// Declare Banner Ad instance in SDK v5.0.2 and above

Interstitial Ad

_vpadnInterstitial = [[VpadnInterstitial alloc] init];
_vpadnInterstitial.strBannerId = @"License Key";
_vpadnInterstitial.platform = @"TW";
[_vpadnInterstitial getInterstitial:@[]];
// Declare Interstitial Ad instance in SDK v4.9.4 and below

_vpadnInterstitial = [[VpadnInterstitial alloc] initWithLicenseKey:@"License Key"];
_vpadnInterstitial.delegate = self;
// Declare Interstitial Ad instance in SDK v5.0.2 and above

Native Ad

_nativeAd = [[VpadnNativeAd alloc] initWithBannerID:@"License Key"];
_nativeAd.delegate = self;
[_nativeAd loadAdWithTestIdentifiers:@[]];
// Declare Native Ad instance in SDK v4.9.4 and below

_nativeAd = [[VpadnNativeAd alloc] initWithLicenseKey:@"License Key"];
_nativeAd.delegate = self;
// Declare Native Ad instance in SDK v5.0.2 and above


VpadnAdRequest *request = [[VpadnAdRequest alloc] init];
[_vpadnBanner loadRequest:request];
// New interface in SDK v5.0.2

Delegate Protocol

- (void) onVpadnAdReceived:(UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnAdFailed:(UIView *)bannerView didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error
- (void) onVpadnLeaveApplication:(UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnPresent:(UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnDismiss:(UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnAdWillRefresh:(VpadnBanner *)banner;
// Set Delegate Protocol in SDK v4.9.4 and below

- (void) onVpadnAdLoaded:(VpadnBanner *)banner;
- (void) onVpadnAd:(VpadnBanner *)banner failedToLoad:(NSError *)error
- (void) onVpadnAdWillLeaveApplication:(VpadnBanner *)banner;
- (void) onVpadnAdWillOpen:(VpadnBanner *)banner;
- (void) onVpadnAdClosed:(VpadnBanner *)banner;
- (void) onVpadnAdRefreshed:(VpadnBanner *)banner;
// Set Delegate Protocol in SDK v5.0.2 and above

- (void) onVpadnGetAd:(UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnViewSizeChange:(CGRect)ViewSize;
- (void) onVpadnViewColorChange:(UIColor*)bgColor;
// Deprecated

Interstitial Ad

- (void) onVpadnInterstitialAdReceived:(nullable UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitialAdFailed:(nullable UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitialAdWillLeaveApplication:(nullable UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitialAdWillPresent:(nullable UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitialAdDismiss:(nullable UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitialAdClicked;
// Set Delegate Protocol in SDK v4.9.4 and below

- (void) onVpadnInterstitialLoaded:(VpadnInterstitial *)interstitial;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitial:(VpadnInterstitial *)interstitial failedToLoad:(NSError *)error;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitialWillLeaveApplication:(VpadnInterstitial *)interstitial;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitialWillOpen:(VpadnInterstitial *)interstitial;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitialClosed:(VpadnInterstitial *)interstitial;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitialClicked:(VpadnInterstitial *)interstitial;
// Set Delegate Protocol in SDK v5.0.2 and above

- (void) onVpadnInterstitialAdWillDismiss:(nullable UIView *)bannerView;
- (void) onVpadnInterstitialAdDidFailToPresent:(nullable UIView *)bannerView;
// Deprecated

Native Ad

- (void) onVpadnNativeAdReceived:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd;
- (void) onVpadnNativeAd:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error;
- (void) onVpadnNativeAdLeaveApplication:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd;
- (void) onVpadnNativeAdDidClicked:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd;
// Set Delegate Protocol in SDK v4.9.4 and below

- (void) onVpadnNativeAdLoaded:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd;
- (void) onVpadnNativeAd:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd failedToLoad:(NSError *)error;
- (void) onVpadnNativeAdWillLeaveApplication:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd;
- (void) onVpadnNativeAdClicked:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd;
// Set Delegate Protocol in SDK v5.0.2 and above

- (void) onVpadnNativeGetAd:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd;
- (void) onVpadnNativeAdPresent:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd;
- (void) onVpadnNativeAdDismiss:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd;
// Deprecated

Splash Ad

- (void) onVpadnSplashReceived:(VpadnSplash *)vpadnSplash;
- (void) onVpadnSplash:(VpadnSplash *)vpadnSplash didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(nullable NSError *)error;
- (void) onVpadnSplashLeaveApplication:(VpadnSplash *)vpadnSplash;
- (void) onVpadnSplashAllowToDismiss:(VpadnSplash *)vpadnSplash;
// Set Delegate Protocol in SDK v4.9.4 and below

- (void) onVpadnSplashLoaded:(VpadnSplash *)vpadnSplash;
- (void) onVpadnSplash:(VpadnSplash *)vpadnSplash failedToLoad:(NSError *)error;
- (void) onVpadnSplashWillLeaveApplication:(VpadnSplash *)vpadnSplash;
- (void) onVpadnSplashAllowToClose:(VpadnSplash *)vpadnSplash;
// Set Delegate Protocol in SDK v5.0.2 and above

How To Check Current Version

You can find the log in your Xcode Console:

<VPON> [INFO] SDK Version: v5.0.2
<VPON> [INFO] Build Date: 20200203

How To Update To SDK v5.0.2

Since that the SDK v5.0.2 is backward compatible, you don’t have to apply any code change if you are going to update the it.

Note: You will see some warnings to instruct you how to migrate to SDK v5.0.2 in your Xcode if you already updated the SDK. Please verify if you can request and display ad successfully after your update.

If you are trying to migrate your intergration with new interface, please refer to :

You can update SDK with following two ways:

Update SDK With Cocoapods

Please follow the instruction below to add target version in your Podfile:

pod 'VpadnSDK', '~> 5.0.2’

Note: If you can’t update to the latest version, please update your Pod Spec with pod repo update first.

Download And Update SDK Manually

Download the latest SDK here.