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iOS - Change Log

Vpon iOS SDK Change Log


  • Release Date: 16 Jul. 2024
  • Bug fix


  • Release Date: 28 May. 2024
  • Upgrade to IAB OM SDK v1.4.13
  • Remove Out-stream Video Ad
  • Support Vpon Flutter Plugin


  • Release Date: 26 Mar. 2024
  • Bug fix


  • Release Date: 25 Jan. 2024
  • Add Ad Choices for Native Ad
  • Add Privacy Manifest to comply with App Store Review Policy
  • Interface Update for Banner, Interstitial and Native
  • Interface Deprecation: interface in v5.5.0 and below will be remarked as deprecated


  • Release Date: 5 Sept. 2023
  • Compliant with IAB OM SDK v1.4.4
  • Code language change from Objective-C to Swift
  • Deprecate unused interfaces and attributes
  • Potential crash while request multiple Banner ads in the same page


  • Release Date: 03 Jul. 2023
  • Fix Native Ad component loss issue


  • Release Date: 22 Feb. 2023
  • Stop supporting deprecated VpadnNativeAdDelegate, warning message will show in the IDE if Publisher use the deprecated callback
  • Remove the implementation in VpadnNativeAdsManager.m (keep the .h file in the meanwhile) and deprecate the initializer, warning message will show in the IDE if Publisher use the deprecated initializer


  • Release Date: 12 Dec. 2022
  • Trim url string to prevent potential error occured while parsing urls


  • Release Date: 3 Oct. 2022
  • Fix the runtime warning message to compatible with Xcode 14 Beta 5 and iOS 16 (simulator)
  • Support ad lifecycle for Native Ad webview case
  • Bug fix


  • Release Date: 11 Aug. 2022
  • Upgrade OM SDK to v1.3.34
  • Adjust video event sending logic to fulfill OM SDK spec
  • Fix unexpected layout shifting on Interstitial Ad while changing the device orientation


  • Release Date: 25 Mar. 2022
  • Officially deprecate VpadnAdSizeSmartBannerPortrait and VpadnAdSizeSmartBannerLandscape
  • Unified the logic of OM Ad Session creation and creativeType

5.3.2 (Deprecated)

  • Release Date: 30 Nov. 2021
  • Adjust minimum support OS version to iOS 11.0


  • Release Date: 2 Aug. 2021
  • Build Number: 20210702
  • Add new video tracking event Progress
  • Support OM SDK v1.3.20
  • Support xcframework


  • Release Date: 2 Mar. 2021
  • Build Number: 20210301
  • Add new ad format: VpadnAdSizeLARGEBANNER (320x100 Banner)


  • Release Date: 4 Feb. 2021
  • Build Number: 20210203
  • Bug fix


  • Release Date: 12 Jan. 2021
  • Build Number: 20210112
  • Support video creatives in VpadnAdSizeLargeRectangle
  • Adjust the variable type of JSON sent through Mraid


  • Release Date: 27 Nov. 2020
  • Build Number: 20201127
  • Add a new interface VpadnAdAudioManager to manage the Audio Session setting, SDK will set and activate the Audio Session by default when intilizing SDK. For more information, please check Advanced


  • Release Date: 11 Nov. 2020
  • Build Number: 20201111
  • Add addFriendlyObstruction interface base on OM Framework for Publisher to declare those overlay views which won’t block the ad visibility as friendly obstruction
  • Support HTML type creatives in Native Ad MediaView
  • Support to resize the Banner Adview responsively to fit the ad container
  • Fix Video Banner can’t be played automatically in specific scenario
  • Bug fix


  • Release Date: 12 Aug. 2020
  • Build Number: 20200811
  • Add a new Banner Ad size 320x480 (Not available for mediation case)
  • Support video content in 320x480 and 300x250 Banner Ad


  • Release Date: 22 Jul. 2020
  • Build Number: 20200722
  • Fix the issue that audio will be interrupted if ad display
  • Fix the issue that 3rd-party tracking of Native Ad might be sent unsuccessfully


  • Release Date: 8 Jul. 2020
  • Build Number: 20200702
  • Upgrade OM SDK from v1.2.8 to v1.3.4
  • Totally replace UIWebView with WKWebView
  • Added contentUrl and contentData for data transmission (compatible with AdMob / MoPub)


  • Release Date: 27 Apr. 2020
  • Build Number: 20200427
  • Bug fix


  • Release Date: 1 Apr. 2020
  • Build Number: 20200401
  • Modify the string “UIWebView” in comments
  • Optimize the performance of Banner Ad


  • Release Date: 20 Mar. 2020
  • Build Number: 20200320
  • Bug fix: fix crash caused by outputVolume observer remove


  • Release Date: 10 Mar. 2020
  • Build Number: 20200310
  • Replace Cordova framework with self-maintenance Javascript for communicating
  • Replace UIWebView with WKWebView
  • Revise the interface of Banner / Interstitial / Native Ad
  • Revise the framework to make it more compatible with 3rd-party tracking solution
  • Support mraid3 when display Banner and Interstitial Ad


  • Release Date: 15 Nov. 2019
  • Build Number: 31119102
  • Revise the mechanism of Swizzling Method
  • Revise the measurement timing of Banner Ad and Native Ad (OM related)


  • Release Date: 7 Oct. 2019
  • Build Number: 70019102
  • Optimize the structure of Interstitial Ad
  • Add a method for SDK initialization, ad requests will fail unless Vpon SDK is initialized
  • Add an examination of Photo Library Additions Usage Description
  • Note: This release is a MAJOR version update.


  • Release Date: 14 Aug. 2019
  • Build Number: 41809102
  • Revise the structure of Interstitial Ad (Video)


  • Release Date: 7 Aug. 2019
  • Build Number: 70809102
  • Support IAB OM SDK for Banner Ad, Interstitial Ad, Native Ad and Out-stream Video Ad
  • Support GIF file in Native Ad Mediaview
  • Optimize Interstitial Ad and Native Ad performance


  • Release Date: 02 Jul. 2019
  • Build Number: 10709102
  • Bug fix


  • Release Date: 13 Jun. 2019
  • Build Number: 31609102
  • Adjustment for iOS 13
  • Optimize Banner Ad and Native Ad performance
  • Fix Native Ad MediaView unclickable issue


  • Release Date: 29 May. 2019
  • Build Number: 82509102
  • Fix specific Interstitial Ad display issue


  • Release Date: 8 Mar. 2019
  • Build Number: 80309102
  • Enhance Out-stream Video Ad error reporting


  • Release Date: 18 Dec. 2018
  • Build Number: 81218102
  • Fix the crash when user deny to admit location related permission


  • Release Date: 27 Nov. 2018
  • Build Number: 62118102
  • Update system requirement to iOS 9.0
  • Optimize ad request performance
  • Support AdMob Native Ad mediation (AdMobAdapterVpadn-1.0.8 above is required)
  • Bugs fix


  • Release Date: 18 Oct. 2018
  • Build Number: 81018102
  • Release Out-stream Video Ad
  • Fix few bugs


  • Release Date: 01 Feb. 2018
  • Build Number: 10208102
  • Fix the bug that close button would be shown in the wrong position
  • Improve native ad’s performance and user experience
  • Support new integration way on native ad
  • Increase advertising accuracy


  • Release Date: 18 Dec. 2017
  • Build Number: 81217102
  • Improve native ad’s performance and user experience
  • Prevent cleaning cache in the app
  • Fix few bugs


  • Release Date: 28 Sep. 2017
  • Build Number: 82907102
  • Fix the bug which causes crash error on iPhone X simulator
  • Adjust few layouts to fit iPhone X


  • Release Date: 04 Sep. 2017
  • Build Number: 40907102
  • Address compatibility issues for iOS 11
  • Support progress wheel to improve interstitial ad’s user experience
  • Fix few bugs


  • Release Date: 19 Jul. 2017
  • Build Number: 91707102
  • Support mutiple size of the interstitial ad’s close button and improve its showing timing to increase user experience
  • Update impression tracking logic to reduce impression discrepancie
  • Fix few bugs


  • Release Date: 14 Apr. 2017
  • Build Number: 41407102
  • Support new interstitial ad’ format combined video & App store
  • Increase native ad stability
  • Increase advertising accuracy
  • Fix few bugs


  • Release Date: 22 Dec. 2016
  • Build Number: 22216102
  • Support Native ad
  • Support HTTPS for ATS
  • Increase SDK stability
  • Fix few bugs


  • Release Date: 05 Sep. 2016
  • Build Number: 02906102
  • Fix few bugs
  • AdMob Adapter 1.0.2 supports Bitcode


  • Release Date: 05 Sep. 2016
  • Build Number: 50906102
  • Improve video ad’s performance and user experience
  • Provide a new way to integrate SDK
  • Fix few bugs


  • Release Date: 20 Jun. 2016
  • Build Number: 02606102
  • Increase SDK stability
  • Fix a potential security problem


  • Release Date: 20 May. 2016
  • Build Number: 02506102
  • Improve performance and user experience
  • Support the interactive web on video ads


  • Release Date: 15 Apr. 2016
  • Build Number: 51406102
  • Improve user experience
  • Fix build error for iOS 7.3+
  • Fix few bugs


  • Rlease Date: 14 Mar. 2016
  • Build Number: 41306102
  • Decrease unecessary log
  • Fix pop-out video sound bug
  • Add vertical video to interstitial ads


  • Build Number: 32215102
  • Minor bug fixed.
  • Excessive log trimmed.


  • Build Number: 71115102
  • localStorage bug fixed.
  • PresentView bug fixed.


  • Build Num 62015102
  • Optimize for iOS9.
  • Bitcode problem fixed.
  • Add new framework for easier integration.
  • Minor bugs fixed.


  • Optimize for iOS9.
  • Enhance version stability.
  • Bugs fixed.
  • Release date: 2015/09/14


  • Build Number: 40605102
  • Fixed: in app 開啟 app store 廣告時, 會無法連接出去
  • 針對 AdMob adapter 的 crash 問題做了相關修正


  • Build Number: 61205102
  • Fixed Video UI error.


  • Build Number: 12114102 Fixed: show multiple banner


  • Build Number: 70804102
  • Fixed: prevent cache crash which happens in the sdk 4.2.7
  • Fixed: crash issues on iOS8
  • Removed: relevant framework of addressBook and addressBookUI for uploading app to Applestore


  • Build Number: 21604102
  • 修正插頁式廣告顯示問題


  • Build Number: 60604102
  • 修正 iOS6 以下取用權限造成 crash


  • Build Number: 51504102
  • 新增 64 bit 版本


  • Build Number: 62304102
  • 修正 Video tracking 機制


  • Build Number: 62304102

Major Build Change

  • Video Ad New features:
  • 加強 native video view 上的 UI component
  • 增加 native video view 和 web view 同時出現的廣告型態
  • 增加 video interstitial ad 可以先將video 暫存到手機,減少播放影片後 buffering 的機會
  • 增加 native video view 後 web view 之間的互動機制,web view 可以控制影片的播放行為並可以得知影片播放的狀態


  • 大量減少開啟 GPS 的時間
  • 調整遮蔽偵測效率


  • 改成Vpadn開頭,也更改class name及protocol function name


  • Build Number: 821131024 & 821131025
  • Release Date: 28 Nov. 2013
  • Added support for rich media Ads
  • Added support for interstitial Ads in Landscape
  • Fixed for disable GPS action after the home button had been pressed

309031024 & 309031025

  • Build Number: 309031024 & 309031025
  • Fixed view position due to coordinate system changes in iOS 7.
  • Modify internal static variable name to prevent name conflict with other 3rd party libraries (for ex. Google Analytics)
  • Add 2 branches of library. One for XCode4, the other for XCode5.


  • Build Number: 42703102
  • Fixed: bug with ad can’t open


  • Build Number: 71703102
  • Fixed: resolve function naming conflict


  • Build Number: 30703102
  • Fixed: resolve lower network connection can’t get Vpon banner


  • Build Number: 82603102
  • Fixed: in app webView can’t show on the view
  • Removed: removeed UDID in any possible place


  • Build Number: 21603102
  • Fixed: interstitial Ad position error