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Flutter - Getting Started


This guideline will instruct you to integrate Vpon SDK with Vpon Flutter Plugin.

Please finish your Vpon Publisher Application first. You’ll receive a validation code in the mailbox which you use to register as a Vpon Publisher. Enter the validation code and verified your account.

After registeration, Please follow the steps below to finish your integration.

  1. Import and Initialize SDK
  2. Banner Ad Implementation
  3. Insterstitial Ad Implementation

You can alse check this guideline and the information about the plugin on

Note: Support Vpon SDK Android v5.6.4 and iOS v5.6.2 above.

Import and Initialize SDK

Import SDK

Add Vpon Flutter Plugin with below command:

$ flutter pub add vpon_plugin_poc

Check your package’s pubspec.yaml to see if below dependency added:

  vpon_mobile_ads: ^0.0.1

Initialize SDK

Please initialize Vpon SDK by calling VponAdSDK.instance.initialize() before loading ads:

import 'package:vpon_mobile_ads/vpon_ad_sdk.dart';

void main() {