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iOS - 原生廣告


原生廣告不同於橫幅廣告、插頁廣告會直接提供可立即呈現的廣告內容,原生廣告 API 提供了標題、圖像等廣告內容的組合,您可以透過這些屬性的編排打造出最理想的原生廣告風格。原生廣告更打破以往對於廣告的刻板印象,以最自然的方式呈現,提供更符合需求的廣告體驗。


在開始串接廣告之前,請確認您已經將 Vpon SDK 導入您的 Xcode 專案中。若您尚未完成,請先參考串接說明完成相關設定。

開始撰寫 Native Ad


  1. Import VpadnSDKAdKit
  2. 宣告 VpadnNativeAd 及自定義 UI
  3. 初始化 VpadnNativeAd 物件,並指定 License Key
  4. 建立 VpadnRequest 物件,並請求廣告
  5. 利用回傳的資料建置自訂的原生 UI
  6. 實作 Delegate protocol

建議您可以在應用程式的 ViewController 內執行上述步驟。

Import VpadnSDKAdKit 並宣告 VpadnNativeAd

首先匯入 SDK ,宣告實作了 VpadnNativeAdDelegate, VpadnMediaViewDelegate protocol 以接收廣告狀態,同時也宣告了欲在原生廣告中呈現的各種元件。( 原生廣告呈現元件規範請參照Native Ad Spec )


@import VpadnSDKAdKit;
// Import Vpon SDK

@interface ViewController () <VpadnMediaViewDelegate, VpadnNativeAdDelegate>

@property (strong, nonatomic) VpadnNativeAd *nativeAd;

@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *contentView;

@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIImageView *adIcon;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *adTitle;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *adBody;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UILabel *adSocialContext;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIButton *adAction;
@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet VpadnMediaView *adMediaView;



import VpadnSDKAdKit
// Import Vpon SDK

class VponSdkNativeViewController: UIViewController {
    var vpadnNative: VpadnNativeAd!
    @IBOutlet weak var contentView: UIView!
    @IBOutlet weak var adIcon: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet weak var adTitle: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var adBody: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var adSocialContext: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var adAction: UIButton!
    @IBOutlet weak var adMediaView: VpadnMediaView!

初始化 VpadnNativeAd 物件

請參考以下程式碼初始化原生廣告,並指定 License Key


_nativeAd = [[VpadnNativeAd alloc] initWithLicenseKey:@"License Key"];
// initWithLicenseKey: Vpon License Key to get ad, please replace with your own one

_nativeAd.delegate = self;


vpadnNative = VpadnNativeAd(licenseKey: "License Key")
// initWithLicenseKey: Vpon License Key to get ad, please replace with your own one

vpadnNative.delegate = self

建立 VpadnRequest 物件,並請求廣告

在發出廣告請求前,請先建立 VpadnRequest 物件:


VpadnAdRequest *request = [[VpadnAdRequest alloc] init];

[request setTestDevices:@[[ASIdentifierManager sharedManager].advertisingIdentifier.UUIDString]];
// Set your test device's IDFA here if you're trying to get Vpon test ad

[_nativeAd loadRequest:request];
// Start to load ad


let request = VpadnAdRequest()

// Set your test device's IDFA here if you're trying to get Vpon test ad

// start to load ad


  • 您可以為每種類型的廣告都建立不同的 VpadnRequest 物件,或是在所有的廣告請求中都使用同一個 VpadnRequest 物件
  • 如果您想要指定更多投放條件,請參考進階設定

自訂原生廣告 UI

當 onVpadnNativeAdLoaded 被觸發時,即取得可用的廣告資料,此時可將資料佈局至自定義的UI,請參考以下程式碼:


- (void)setNativeAd {
    _adIcon.image = nil;
    __block typeof(self) safeSelf = self;
    [_nativeAd.icon loadImageAsyncWithBlock:^(UIImage * _Nullable image) {
        safeSelf.adIcon.image = image;
    [_adMediaView setNativeAd:_nativeAd];
    _adMediaView.delegate = self;
    _adTitle.text = [_nativeAd.title copy];
    _adBody.text = [_nativeAd.body copy];
    _adSocialContext.text = [_nativeAd.socialContext copy];
    [_adAction setTitle:[_nativeAd.callToAction copy] forState:UIControlStateNormal];
    [_adAction setTitle:[_nativeAd.callToAction copy] forState:UIControlStateHighlighted];
    [_nativeAd registerViewForInteraction:_contentView withViewController:self];
    // You must register the Ad View to make the ad clickable

    // [_nativeAd registerViewForInteraction:withViewController:withClickableViews:self._adAction];
    // You can also register a specific ad component to make the Ad View to be clickable partly


func setNativeAd() {
        adIcon.image = nil
        vpadnNative.icon.loadImageAsync(withBlock: { image in
            self.adIcon.image = image
        adMediaView.nativeAd = vpadnNative
        adMediaView.delegate = self
        adTitle.text = vpadnNative.title
        adBody.text = vpadnNative.body
        adSocialContext.text = vpadnNative.socialContext
        adAction.setTitle(vpadnNative.callToAction, for: .normal)
        adAction.setTitle(vpadnNative.callToAction, for: .highlighted)
        vpadnNative.registerView(forInteraction: contentView, with: self)
        // You must register the Ad View to make the ad clickable

        vpadnNative.registerView(forInteraction: withViewController, with: self.adAction)
        // You can also register a specific ad component to make the Ad View to be clickable partly

實作 Delegate protocol



- (void) onVpadnNativeAdLoaded:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd {
    // Invoked if receive Native Ad successfully

    [self setNativeAd];
    // Construct Native Ad with returned components
- (void) onVpadnNativeAd:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd failedToLoad:(NSError *)error {
    // Invoked if received ad fail, check this callback to indicates what type of failure occurred
- (void) onVpadnNativeAdWillLeaveApplication:(VpadnNativeAd *)nativeAd {
    // Invoked if user leave the app and the current app was backgrounded
- (void) mediaViewDidLoad:(VpadnMediaView *)mediaView {
    // Invoked if the media creatives load sucessfully
- (void)mediaViewDidFail:(VpadnMediaView *)mediaView error:(NSError *)error {
    // Invoked if the media creatives load fail


extension VponSdkNativeViewController: VpadnNativeAdDelegate, VpadnMediaViewDelegate {
    func onVpadnNativeAdLoaded(_ nativeAd: VpadnNativeAd) {
        // Invoked if receive Native Ad successfully

        // Construct Native Ad with returned components
    func onVpadnNativeAd(_ nativeAd: VpadnNativeAd, failedToLoad error: Error) {
        // Invoked if received ad fail, check this callback to indicates what type of failure occurred
    func onVpadnNativeAdWillLeaveApplication(_ nativeAd: VpadnNativeAd) {
        // Invoked if user leave the app and the current app was backgrounded
    func mediaViewDidLoad(_ mediaView: VpadnMediaView) {
        // Invoked if the media creatives load sucessfully
    func mediaViewDidFail(_ mediaView: VpadnMediaView, error: Error) {
        // Invoked if the media creatives load fail  

Native Ad Spec

紅色表示您必須顯示的原生廣告元件,其中 CoverImage 與 Icon 必須至少顯示其中一個。

Properties Description
AdLabel 讓使用者了解此為廣告 (例如:贊助、廣告 等等)
Title 最少需顯示8個中文字, 放不下時須顯示...
CoverImage 1200 x 627px (可等比例縮放,不可變形,不可裁切)
Icon 128 x 128px (可等比例縮放,不可變形,不可裁切)
CallToAction 需要完整顯示
BodyText 最少顯示20個中文字,或不要顯示
SocialContext 需要完整顯示
適用於 SDK v4.9.3 及以下版本
RatingScale 5,可能為空值



請注意,Vpon SDK 不允許廣告以以下方式呈現,致使廣告在畫面上可能不可見:

  • 將 AdView 設為 Hidden
  • 將 AdView 的 Alpha 值設為 < 100%
  • AdView 被其它 View(s) 遮蓋住

當廣告露出在頁面上並達到曝光標準後,會印出以下的 Log 代表有送出廣告曝光:

<VPON> [NOTE] Send impression successfully

Sample Code

本頁以基本的 Native Ad 為例進行說明,如果您想看到完整的串接實例或 Table View 的範例,請參考我們的 Sample Code



適用於 Vpon SDK v5.5.0 以下版本的串接方法

如果您想了解 Vpon SDK v5.5.0 以下版本的串接方法,請參考原生廣告