Vpon provide Out-stream Video Ad which served outside of a stream video. To optimize ad display performance, Out-stream Video Ad will show as native content and typically without sound to minimize the impact of user experience.
Before you start to integrate Out-stream Video Ad, please make sure you already finished the items below:
- Import Vpon SDK to your Xcode project. If you haven’t done yet, please refer to our Integration Guide to finish your setting.
- Contact Vpon PDMKT Team to set up your account and get your License Key.
Start To Implement Out-stream Video Ad
Please follow the steps below to implement Out-stream Video Ad to your application:
- Import VpadnSDKAdKit
- Declare a VpadnInReadAd instance
- Set up VpadnInReadAd object and indicate a License Key
- Request for an Out-stream Video Ad
- Show Out-stream Video Ad
- Set up Delegate Protocol
Please refer to the sample code below to finish your Out-stream Video Ad setting:
@import VpadnSDKAdKit;
@interface VponSdkVastCustomAdViewController () <VpadnInReadAdDelegate>
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UIView *videoLoadedView;
// Declare a VpadnInReadAd instance
@property (nonatomic, strong) VpadnInReadAd *VpadnInReadAd;
Set Up VpadnInReadAd Object And Indicate A License Key
- (void) requestVpadnInReadAd {
// Please replace "License Key" with the one you receive from Vpon PDMKT Team
_VpadnInReadAd = [[VpadnInReadAd alloc] initWithPlacementId:@"License Key" delegate:self];
// Request Vpon Out-stream Video Ad
[_VpadnInReadAd loadAdWithTestIdentifiers:@[]];
// Please use the code snippet below and fill in with your test device's IDFA if you want to request for a test ad
// [_VpadnInReadAd loadAdWithTestIdentifiers:@[@"your_IDFA"]];
Show Custom Out-stream Ad
After receiving ad with videoView(), you can embed the Out-stream Video Ad to the position where you want to display the ad.
#pragma mark - VpadnInReadAd Delegate
- (void) VpadnInReadAdDidLoad:(VpadnInReadAd *)ad {
UIView *videoView = [ad videoView];
[_videoLoadedView addSubview:videoView];
videoView.translatesAutoresizingMaskIntoConstraints = NO;
[_videoLoadedView addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"V:|-0-[videoView]-0-|" options:0 metrics:nil views:@{@"videoView":videoView}]];
[_videoLoadedView addConstraints:[NSLayoutConstraint constraintsWithVisualFormat:@"H:|-0-[videoView]-0-|" options:0 metrics:nil views:@{@"videoView":videoView}]];
Interface for Out-stream Video Ad
Vpon provide 3 kinds of interface for Out-stream Video Ad, you can choose the one that match your requirement:
Show Out-stream Video Ad in InScrollView
To set up an Out-stream Video Ad in a ScrollView of the application, please follow the steps below:
- Import VpadnSDKAdKit
- Declare a VpadnInReadAd instance
- Set up VpadnInReadAd object and indicate a License Key
- Request for an Out-stream Video Ad
- Set up Delegate Protocol
Please refer to the sample code below to finish your Out-stream Video Ad setting:
Import VpadnSDKAdKit And Declare VpadnInReadAd
@import VpadnSDKAdKit;
@interface VponSdkVastInScrollViewController () <VpadnInReadAdDelegate>
// Declare a View that will show the ad
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UIView *inScrollLoadedView;
// Declare a Constraint to control the height where the ad view start
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint *inScrollHeightConstraint;
// Declare a ScrollView for ad display
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UIScrollView *inScrollView;
// Declare a VpadnInReadAd instance
@property (nonatomic, strong) VpadnInReadAd *VpadnInReadAd;
Set Up VpadnInReadAd Object And Indicate A License Key
- (void) requestVpadnInReadAd {
// Please replace "License Key" with the one you receive from Vpon PDMKT Team
_VpadnInReadAd = [[VpadnInReadAd alloc] initWithPlacementId:@"License Key" placeholder:_inScrollLoadedView heightConstraint:_inScrollHeightConstraint scrollView:_inScrollView delegate:self];
// Request Vpon Out-stream Video Ad
[_VpadnInReadAd loadAdWithTestIdentifiers:@[]];
// Please use the code snippet below and fill in with your test device's IDFA if you want to request for a test ad
// [_VpadnInReadAd loadAdWithTestIdentifiers:@[@"your_IDFA"]];
Show Out-stream Video Ad in InTableView
To set up an Out-stream Video Ad in a TableView of the application, please follow the steps below:
- Import VpadnSDKAdKit
- Declare a VpadnInReadAd instance
- Set up VpadnInReadAd object and indicate a License Key
- Request for an Out-stream Video Ad
- Set up Delegate Protocol
Please refer to the sample code below to finish your Out-stream Video Ad setting:
@import VpadnSDKAdKit;
@interface VponSdkVastInTableViewController () <UITableViewDelegate, UITableViewDataSource, VpadnInReadAdDelegate>
// Declare a TableView for ad display
@property (nonatomic, weak) IBOutlet UITableView *tableView;
// Declare a VpadnInReadAd instance
@property (nonatomic, strong) VpadnInReadAd *VpadnInReadAd;
Set Up VpadnInReadAd Object And Indicate A License Key
- (void) requestVpadnInReadAd {
// Please replace "License Key" with the one you receive from Vpon PDMKT Team
// Modify the parameters of insertionIndexPath to decide the position that will embed the ad
_VpadnInReadAd = [[VpadnInReadAd alloc] initWithPlacementId:@"License Key" insertionIndexPath:[NSIndexPath indexPathForRow:0 inSection:0] tableView:_tableView delegate:self];
// Request Vpon Out-stream Video Ad
[_VpadnInReadAd loadAdWithTestIdentifiers:@[]];
// Please use the code snippet below and fill in with your test device's IDFA if you want to request for a test ad
// [_VpadnInReadAd loadAdWithTestIdentifiers:@[@"your_IDFA"]];
Set Up Delegate Protocol
After finishing ad request, implement the delegate protocol as below to listen ad status.
- (void)vpadnInReadAd:(VpadnInReadAd *)ad didFailLoading:(NSError *)error {
- (void)vpadnInReadAdDidLoad:(VpadnInReadAd *)ad {
- (void)vpadnInReadAdDidStart:(VpadnInReadAd *)ad {
- (void)vpadnInReadAdDidStop:(VpadnInReadAd *)ad {
- (void)vpadnInReadAdDidMute:(VpadnInReadAd *)ad {
- (void)vpadnInReadAdDidUnmute:(VpadnInReadAd *)ad {
- (void)vpadnInReadAdWasClicked:(VpadnInReadAd *)ad {
- (void)vpadnInReadAdDidTakeOverFullScreen:(VpadnInReadAd *)ad {
- (void)vpadnInReadAdDidDismissFullscreen:(VpadnInReadAd *)ad {
Sample Code
Please refer to our Sample Code for a complete integration sample.
Other Tips
Please refer to the link below to learn more about other ad types: