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iOS - Banner Ad

Compatible with Vpon SDK v4.9 and below


Vpon Banner can be embedded to part of your app layout. It consists of a multimedia object which can attract user. The ads will expand to show much richer content after clicking.


Please make sure you’ve imported Vpon SDK to your Xcode project. If not, please refer to our Integration Guide to finish your setting.

Start To Implement Banner

iOS apps are composed of UIView objects which will present as text area, buttons or other controllers. VpadnBanner is simply an UIView subclass that can display small HTML5 ads trigger by users’ touch.

Just like all the other UIView, a VpadnBanner is easy to implement in code.

  1. Import VpadnSDKAdKit
  2. Declare a VpadnBanner instance
  3. Set up VpadnBanner object and indicate a License Key
  4. Request for a banner ad
  5. Set up Delegate protocol

We strongly recommend that you can finish all the steps in ViewController of the application.

Import VpadnSDKAdKit And Declare A VpadnBanner Instance

#import <ViewController.h>

// import Vpon SDK
@import VpadnSDKAdKit;

// Add a protocol to receive the status of Ads
@interface ViewController() <VpadnBannerDelegate>

// Declare VpadnBanner Instance
@property (strong, nonatomic) VpadnBanner *vpadnBanner;

@property (weak, nonatomic) IBOutlet UIView *loadBannerView;


Set Up VpadnBanner Object And Indicate A License Key

Please refer to the code snippet below to initialize Banner Ad in viewDidLoad of ViewController.

@implementation ViewController

- (void)viewDidLoad {
    [super viewDidLoad];

    if (self.vpadnBanner != nil) {
            [self.vpadnBanner.getVpadnAdView removeFromSuperview];

vpadnBanner = [[VpadnBanner alloc] initWithAdSize:VpadnAdSizeBANNER];  // Initialize Banner Object
  vpadnBanner.strBannerId = @""; // Fill in with your License Key
  vpadnBanner.delegate = self; // Set up Delegate to receive protocol message
  vpadnBanner.platform = @"TW"; // Fill in with "TW"
  [vpadnBanner setAdAutoRefresh:YES]; // Set "YES" to enable Banner auto refresh. Set "NO" if you use mediation
  [vpadnBanner setRootViewController:self];
  [self.loadBannerView addSubview:bannerView]; // Add  VpadnBanner View to ViewController

Request for Banner Ad

After finishing banner ad initialization, add the code snippet to request for ads:

- (void)viewDidLoad {

  // Start to request Banner Ad
  [vpadnBanner startGetAd:[]]; 

  // Start to request test Banner Ad with below code snippet
  // [vpadnBanner startGetAd:[self getTestIdentifiers]];

Request for Test Ad

Please add the code snippet to your application and fill in with your test device’s UUID as below to request for test ads.

-(NSArray*)getTestIdentifiers {
  return [NSArray arrayWithObjects:
    // Add your test device's UUID

Set Up Delegate Protocol

After finishing ad request, implement the delegate protocol as below to listen ad status.

#pragma mark - Vpadn Banner Delegate
- (void)onVpadnAdReceived:(UIView *)bannerView{

- (void)onVpadnAdFailed:(UIView *)bannerView didFailToReceiveAdWithError:(NSError *)error{

- (void)onVpadnPresent:(UIView *)bannerView{
    NSLog(@"VpadnPresent %@",bannerView);

- (void)onVpadnDismiss:(UIView *)bannerView{
    NSLog(@"VpadnDismiss %@",bannerView);

- (void)onVpadnLeaveApplication:(UIView *)bannerView{
    NSLog(@"Leave publisher application");

Banner Format

Besides the 320x50, Vpon supports the following ad formats:

Size (WxH) Description VponAdSize Constant Devices
320x50 Standard Banner VpadnAdSizeBANNER iPhone
468x60 IAB Full-Size Banner VpadnAdSizeFullBanner iPad
728x90 IAB Leaderboard VpadnAdSizeLeaderboard iPad
300x250 IAB Medium Recangle VpadnAdSizeMediumRectangle iPhone
device width x auto height Smart Banner Portrait VpadnAdSizeSmartBannerPortrait iPhone
device width x auto height Smart Banner Landscape VpadnAdSizeSmartBannerLandscape iPhone


App Transport Security

Apple recently revised App Transport Security (ATS), to iOS9. Please refer to iOS9 ATS for some modification.

Sample Code

Please refer to our Sample Code for a complete integration sample.

More Ad Formats

Please refer to the link below to learn more about other ad types: